Thursday, May 31, 2007

Liberal paradigm

One interesting aspect of the IP/PC deviations is that those deviations are in line with the current development of contemporary western society. Often, they are assumed as natural by the establishment and the left-wing intelligentsia, who together works hard, like two relentless parents, to teach the working class to not react in any way that could seem or look racist.

Speaking of the general society, we could talk about a public communication between the rulers and those who are ruled which is based upon a liberal paradigm, with a meta-ideological foundation, an own mythology and an own language. That modern paradigm includes the cultural norms and expressions deemed acceptable by the establishment, and excludes the expressions which drives against the consensus ideology of the establishment.

The positive key-words are aligned with the concepts of "diversity", "multiculturalism", "tolerance" and "cosmopolitanism". The ideal promulgated through these beliefs are clearly inclined to produce social peace in a more and more culturally diverse class society where there could exist real threats of secessionism and even race warfare exists.

Instead of class struggle, the establishment and the left-wing intelligentsia have together formed a discourse blaming most of the ills on society on the "unenlightened" domestic worker. The problem is that our unenlighted proletarian, uneducated, inferior, is not tolerant towards immigrants, politicians, economists, gays and ethnic minorities.

That worker is a racist stereotype created by the establishment, remniscent of the views of the "Third class" that the French aristocracy held before the revolution of 1789. The basis is the American redneck, a poor alcoholic white male who is beating his wife and kids, believes in conspiracy theories, hate Jews and Blacks. That propaganda was created during the American Civil War, and is today renewed in the minds of the establishment through college and university indoctrination. It is basically a premise for the creation and motivation of a class society where the struggle of minority equality through moral legislation helps prevent the emancipation of the working class.

The very same left-wing intelligentsia which hold compassion for the coloured people and their plight (including multi-millionarie O.J Simpson) loathe the inhabitants of the trailer parks and the poor inner cities of Europe. The same could be applied nationwise. If it is Africa or Latin America, then everything excusable, including Mugabe destroying his own economy. If it is Russia or Serbia, everything that is made by the governments of those countries in preserving the national interests and the life and honor of the people are interpreted as "ultranationalism".

By employing the liberal paradigm, the leaders of the mainstream left-wing parties (even nominally communist parties and institutions) have shown that their true interest lies in preserving the status quo of the current situation. The left has been hijacked by persons holding such opinions and is efficiently and profoundly destroyed as a credible force for the European working class.

Therefore, CRAP urges all serious-minded marxists to join our ranks in our struggle against the capitalist beast.


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